
Jumat, 26 Juni 2009

My ThOuGhTs On MiChAeL JaCkSoN's DeAtH


Yesterday, after hearing of MJ's death, in a state of shock, it took me about two hours before I completely broke down and cried. I cried until I felt lumps in my throat, until my eyes were red, and until my nose began running. I cried for his family, I cried because he was cut down in the prime of his life, but mostly because he was so misunderstood. To me, it

Kamis, 25 Juni 2009

ThE kInG oF pOp miChAeL jAcKsOn HaS dIeD!

A source, who is not authorized to speak publicly and requested anonymity, stated that Michael Jackson age fifty, has died in Los Angeles. Allegedly, Jackson was rushed to UCLA in cardiac arrest, due to him being found not breathing in his Los Angeles home.

OH MY GOODNESS! I always tried to prepare for this day, but I guess you can never really prepare. I can't believe it! He was just revving

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

LA aLl DaY bAbY! lAkEr ChAmPiOnShIp GaMe 2009!

Did everyone see the championship game where the Los Angeles Lakers, blew out the Orlando Magic this past Sunday?! I knew the Lakers would take it home because they only had one game left to win, why wouldn't they try to win it? All four playoff games were exciting and I'm actually upset it's over. LA Laker player Kobe Bryant, was named MVP yet again, but was there ever any doubt? 

LA Laker