
Senin, 27 Juli 2009

WeNdY wIlLiAmS nEw DaYtImE tAlK sHoW iS a HiT!!!!

OMG!! I've been waiting forever for ex-radio jockey and new TV host, Wendy Williams, (above-l and myself above-r) to get her own TV show and its finally happened!! Williams had a show that only appeared once every few months on the VH1 network; the show was so good I just knew it was only a matter of time before she attained a permanent spot! It took long enough but she finally did it!


PrEgNaNt PiCtUrEs Of RaPpEr LiL wAyNeS' bAbY mAmA'S!!

(Singer Nivea seen above 2nd from left)
(Actress/Model Lauren London seen above-r)

(Actress/Model Lauren London seen above with growing baby bump)

Ex-AmErIcAn IdOl cOnTeStAnT AlExIs CoHeN kIlLeD bY dRuNk DrIvEr!

Daniel Bark, appeared Monday in state Superior Court on charges of reckless driving and leaving the scene of an accident. Prosecutors stated charges have been upgraded to aggravated manslaughter and drunk driving, which claimed the life of Alexis Cohen. 

Defense attorney David Glassman, says Bark and his family are distraught over the death of former "American Idol" contestant, Alexis Cohen.

Rabu, 22 Juli 2009

KhLoE kArDaShIaN lOsEs 20LbS iN 4 wEeKs!

Big sister Kim Kardashian, is helping her sister Khloé (seen above) lose weight. I'm glad Kim was able to make her lil sister happy by doing what Khloe has always wanted to do, LOSE WEIGHT! 

Honestly, I felt Khloé looked great before. First of all, when a female is tall and big boned the way Khloé is, your body is made to be a certain size for a reason, and sometimes losing to much weight can

Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

PeArL fRyEr LoCaL gArDeNiNg CeLeBrItY

A late night documentary showcased an extraordinary human being named Pearl Fryer (seen above), a seventy-two year old African American male that became a local town celebrity due to his special gardening techniques. Watching a three minute demonstration on gardening at a local nursery, is what gave Fryer enough insight to become the self taught artist he is today. 

When the Fryer's were