
Senin, 22 Februari 2010

TigEr WoOdS' aPoLoGy To ThE puBLiC

Infamous golf player, Tiger Woods, made his public apology last Friday. People were counting the days until Tiger finally apologized for the content of his character. I could care less. I was pissed because his apology cut off my favorite talk show. I tried changing the channel only to see that Tiger dominated the morning television stations. For some reason, Tiger's extramarital affairs were

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

EliN iS sTaYiNg WiTh TiGeR! GeNuInE or InGeNuInE?

Its been reported on several television stations that Elin Woods (seen above-l), wife of famous golfer Tiger Woods (seen above-r), is reportedly giving her marriage another try. Often we see wives stand by their men when dealing with infidelity within the marriage. And people always speculate what keeps the women in the marriage? Is it true love? Is it for the sake of the children? Or is it

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

"We ArE tHe WoRlD 25 fOr HaItI" vIdEo!

Recorded on February 1, 2010, in the same studio as the original recording twenty-five years earlier (Henson Recording Studios, formerly A&M Recording Studios), "We Are The World 25 For Haiti", in which producer Quincy Jones and singer Lionel Richie serve as executive producers. The collaboration was created with executive producers, Wyclef Jean, Randy Phillips and Peter Tortorici; producers