
Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

BeHiNd ThE sCeNeS lOoK aT wHiTnEy HoUsToN iN tHe FiLm 'SpArKlE'

I must say, it sure feels good to see Whitney in action again -- and at her best none the less. We get to see her beautiful face on the screen one last time. I can not wait! Sparkle due out this summer August 17th. Look out for it!

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

LeGeNdArY sInGeR wHiTnEy HoUsToN dEaD aT 48

Seeing the breaking news on CNN yesterday about Whitney, I felt like I was in a time warp. The news didn't seem real and at first I thought it was a mistake. I changed the channel and learned the story had broke on other news outlets as well.
I broke into tears and covered my mouth thinking, "No! She's to young! She has a baby! I love her!"
Growing up I felt like Whitney was a family member,