
Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Still alot of 2012 left.....

No doubt cheating husband and slime ball 
John Edwards.
Thinks that he won today and he's escaped justice.
Well there's alot of 2012 left.
He won't win.

Told Ya Travolta's 2012 woes..

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gay old closet clearance............

This is going to get very interesting.........
Carrie Fisher, not one to mince her words.
Has more or less " Outed" John Travolta.......
Now I suppose there may be a couple of people in the World.
To which this is a surprise.........
But I bet Carrie has just been disinvited to all the Hollywood Christmas parties.
Watch out soon for another  
"Oprah talks to Travolta Show "
complete with the wife...............
But 2012 will be the worse for him.

Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Told Ya Coulson arrested

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Coulson to "Clinky" and Cameron out.... (not the closet)

So as the plot thickens 
and the lies unfold.
Andy " Naughty Boy " Coulson.
will be thrown under the bus.
Then sent to clinky.
But the best bit is it will implicate 
Old PM David Cameron.

To such an extent that he'll just have to go.
Coming to a TV near you.
Stay tuned......

Flop for sure.....

Selfish bitch and mother of the year Dina Lohan.
Is to star in a new reality TV show called " Hollywood Exes ".
How she qualifies as a Hollywood ex beats me.
It won't work.
Major flop for VH1

JeSsIcA sImPsOn ReLeAsEs PhOtO oF bAbY mAxWeLl

Jessica Simpson seen-l, baby Maxwell Drew, and Fiancé Former NFL player Eric Johnson seen-r (Tony Duran for PEOPLE)

At last, the first photos of Jessica Simpson's bundle of joy have arrived! More pictures to follow when 'People' magazine hits newsstands this Friday. 

May 1st, Simpson delivered baby Maxwell via c-section, and she came into the world at an astonishing 9 pounds and 13

Told Ya.......Done........

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Won't spin for long...........

Apparently Paris Hilton aka Supertart, 
is dating a Dutch DJ 
( didn't know there was such a thing)
Called AfroJack.........
Seems this has been going on since September.
I give it till summer 2012.
The bigger news for AJ will be in 2013 when there's BIG Royal Dutch news. 

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

Not so smart.........

JLo's $10.000 a week boyfriend/gigolo 
Casper Smart has had her name tattooed 
on his willy.
Thankfully she has only three letters in her name.
I wonder if it is in colour?
What's he going to do 
when she dumps 
Lasers a bitch ha ha..

Told YA FB tumbles.......
The Seer’s

Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)

17. FACEBOOK. The bosses at FB are in for a

 really rough ride through 2012. 

But, if they listen to the people on FB 

they will by the skin of their teeth enter 

2013 in a much fitter state.

Told Ya another 5.8 In Italy..........

The SEER’s

Predictions for 2012
(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)

6.   EARTHQUAKES. 2011 has seen more that usual earthquakes. 2012 will be even worse, with one really big hit. West coast needs to watch out.

Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Told Ya Vatican mess..........

Monday, March 29, 2010

Gucci earplugs, I believe….

So the Pope says that ,
he won’t be intimidated,
by all the criticism of his handling,
of the latest sex scandal.
(Wait till the 2012 sex scandal starts)
Well if that doesn’t tell the World,
that the Vatican never listens nothing will.
This Pope is the beginning,
of the end for the Catholic church.
Seems to me the devil is at home,
with the Holy C.

Told Ya, Beiber wanted by cops........

Monday, January 30, 2012

Rainbows a foot........

My favourite lesbian Justin Beiber.
Flew into Paris and tried to start a 
new fashion trend.
Duh...PARIS, is he mad.
Won't catch on.
Doesn't he see it makes him look even shorter........
He needs to watch that he doesn't get into trouble with the law, spring/summer 2012.

Shut up........

Father of the year Michael Lohan.
Is telling all and sundry that his daughter Lindsay, was high on her recent SNL appearance.
Just how low can you get..........
He'll  go lower believe me.

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Told Ya Yet another...........

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not going to end well.

Someone in charge needs to step in and help Amanda Bynes before it's too late.
Otherwise 2013 won't happen for her.

Told Ya Gaga ban........

Monday April 16th 2012
Retrograde, not Lady Gaga
Seems the the rumour mill is suggesting that 
Lady Gaga's upcoming World Tour.
Will be a flop.
Due to mercury being in retrograde.
Not even WW3 could stop her or the tour 
from being a massive hit.
Although parts of Asia will throw a fit or too and ban her........ 

She should be careful in NZ though.

Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

Happy Holiday

Have a nice weekend, let's all remember.......
See you all Tuesday.

Told Ya Cruise too far.....

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Not a good idea...........

In April of 2012.
A company called Titanic Memorial Cruises.
Have chartered a cruise liner to follow the ill fated voyage of the Titanic a hundred years ago.
Guess what it is fully booked and has been 
for over a year.
Tempting fate in such a manner.
May just well lead to a repeat performance.
A bad year for cruising all round.

Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Not so smart........

Casper Smart Jlo's gigolo.
Has landed a reality show on the Oxygen network.
The show will follow him as he leads Jlo's dancers on tour this summer.
Big mistake.
Instant flop.
Jlo when are you going to wake up to the fact that he is just using you. 
Well in July/August you'll get the 
proof you need Jlo..........
see his true nature betray him.

Told Ya Sir Elton in hospital....

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tiz only an opinion...

Sir Elton John believes that Jesus was an intelligent gay man,
Maybe he was. Maybe he wasn’t
After all millions believe Jesus walked on water.
Maybe he did. Maybe he didn’t.
Remember “Free Speech” is for everyone.
This is only going to get more and more interesting.
Elton needs to watch his health in 2012.

Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

So sad.....

Seems that the powers that be at American Idol.
Are thinking of bringing Cheryl Cole on board 
as a judge.
Please God no..
Can't see it happening myself though.......

Told Ya Record breaking #1

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A hit.........

Tuesday 20th Dec Adam Lambert delivers.
Or as the young ones say.
his latest 
as they used to be called.
It's a hit..........
Plus watch for the record breaking #1 in 2012.

Told Ya Hacker Piers Morgan

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"In my own words..." Piers Morgan....

Well, well, well the 
Murdoch hearings in London.
One of the government committee members.
Brought to light the fact.
That Piers Morgan, 
brags in his own book, 
in his own words.
That he got his scoops by phone hacking.
While he worked at the 
"News Of The World"
Can't wait till the powers that be at CNN,
have to deal with this one.
The beginning of the end. 
Just wait till ex reporters start spilling the beans.

Told Ya FB......

The Seer’s

Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)

17. FACEBOOK. The bosses at FB are in for a

 really rough ride through 2012. 

But, if they listen to the people on FB 

they will by the skin of their teeth enter 

2013 in a much fitter state.

Told Ya 6.1 JAPAN...........

The SEER’s

Predictions for 2012
(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)

6.   EARTHQUAKES. 2011 has seen more that usual earthquakes. 2012 will be even worse, with one really big hit. West coast needs to watch out.

Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

Warning, Warning...........

Heidi Montag, along with her bought boobs,  was spotted the other day in 
LA Land.......
Didn't see hubby Spencer Pratt though.
Seems that they are poor now and living 
in a less than nice part of LA.
Don't fret we won't see much of them as they 
are on their 16th minute of fame.

WhItNeY hOuStOn TrIbUtE oN bIlLbOaRd MuSiC aWaRdS

Told YA.......Ratings Rush .......

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rush to donate for a one way ticket.

Rush Limbaugh, says he is going
to leave the good old USA.
To live in Costa Rica !
Now although I feel sorry
for the good people of Costa Rica.
Doesn’t it warm the cockles of your heart?
Sad though it won’t happen, damn !
But 2012 will be the time his career begins to fall apart.

Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Told Ya Cruising not........

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Not a good idea...........

In April of 2012.
A company called Titanic Memorial Cruises.
Have chartered a cruise liner to follow the ill fated voyage of the Titanic a hundred years ago.
Guess what it is fully booked and has been 
for over a year.
Tempting fate in such a manner.
May just well lead to a repeat performance.
A bad year for cruising all round.

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

On face value.......

So over the weekend 
mega rich Mark Zuckerberg, 
married his girlfreind Priscilla Chan.
How sweet.
But just like his Facebook riches the marriage won't last.

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

Told Ya Italy 5.9

The SEER’s

Predictions for 2012
(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)

6.   EARTHQUAKES. 2011 has seen more that usual earthquakes. 2012 will be even worse, with one really big hit. West coast needs to watch out.

Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

Told Ya Facebook not good.....

The Seer’s

Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)

17. FACEBOOK. The bosses at FB are in for a

 really rough ride through 2012. 

But, if they listen to the people on FB 

they will by the skin of their teeth enter 

2013 in a much fitter state.

Told Ya. Piers Morgan down low

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

No Piers, please.....CNN

Piers Morgan,
to have his own show on CNN
Please God NO !!!!!!!!.
If it were to happen.
It would be the shortest run,

Or the lowest ratings ever.
in CNN history........
Not short enough.....
Gone is 2012.

Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Following after Daddy.......

Brooke Hogan daughter of Hulk Hogan.
Is following her Dad into wrestling 
for a company called
TNA Wrestling.
Not hard to guess what TNA means.
Well she will be spending most of her time on the ring on her ass.

FREE Psychic Readings

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Tonight 6 to 9 pm PT. 9 to 11pm ET.
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Rabu, 16 Mei 2012


The cracks and the rot in the 
Cruise "marriage" are getting ever closer 
to the surface.
I sense the divorce papers are close.

Told YA........another earthquake....

The SEER’s

Predictions for 2012
(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)

6.   EARTHQUAKES. 2011 has seen more that usual earthquakes. 2012 will be even worse, with one really big hit. West coast needs to watch out.

Told ya......Retrograde, not Lady Gaga

Monday April 16th 2012
Retrograde, not Lady Gaga
Seems the the rumour mill is suggesting that 
Lady Gaga's upcoming World Tour.
Will be a flop.
Due to mercury being in retrograde.
Not even WW3 could stop her or the tour 
from being a massive hit.
Although parts of Asia will throw a fit or too and ban her........
She should be careful in NZ though.

Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Going down........

Rebekah Brooks ex NOTW bigwig.
Has been charged with all kinds of 
naughty stuff in the UK.
Watch how she sings to save her neck.
But she'll still go to " Clinky "

Senin, 14 Mei 2012

The " NEW " Normal..

One of the new shows to come to the NBC network this coming season is
"The New Normal"
If Bill O'Reilly was upset by 
Then he's going to be positively pissed 
with this one.
ha ha.
It's going to be a monster hit.
Perfect timing.

Told Ya Britney has the Xfactor........

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Looking Fabulous..........

Have you seen the latest pics of,
Britney Spears?
She looks fabulous........
I sense a new hit from her very soon.
Nice to see her back on the right track.
Well done, Brit.
2012 is her year.......... 
Especially on TV.
But only one season.... 

Told Ya.Earthquakes
The SEER’s

Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)

6.   EARTHQUAKES. 2011 has seen more that usual earthquakes. 2012 will be even worse, with one really big hit. West coast needs to watch out.

Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

One of many nails in his coffin..

Presidential hopeful and moron.
Mitt Romney.
Has declared that he doesn't believe everyone should be treated equally.
I wonder who's next?
 His VP choice a boring white man, 
but younger than the rest.
Good job he's not going to win. 
Just wait till the British press start on him.

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Told Ya last 7 days of Earthquakes...

The SEER’s

Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)

6.   EARTHQUAKES. 2011 has seen more that usual earthquakes. 2012 will be even worse, with one really big hit. West coast needs to watch out.

Told Ya.Dog act wins BGT

Saturday, January 21, 2012

I don't get a good feeling about this one.........

Listen to this Simon 
"Cowface " Cowell.

Has conned
 Virgin Head Honcho
Sir Richard Branston.
To try and help the falling ratings of
Britain's Got Talent.
The idea being, 
the winner of BGT 2012.
Will be shot into space.
Bit like winning a ticket on the 
if you ask me.......
Mind you when a dog act wins lets see what happens