
Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Clearly a PR stunt.

After a recent trip to Jamaica, rapper Snoop Dogg.
During which he found himself.
Has decided to change his name to Snoop Lion.
Obviously the stuff their is really full strength.
What next Snoop Panda.......

Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Not a good idea.........

Conrad Murray the man found guilty of murdering Michael Jackson.
Has launched an appeal to prove he didn't kill MJ.
He says the bottle of Propofol will prove him innocent.
He needs to stay quiet, or one of the others behind MJ's murder will get him too.

Told Ya Olympic cash shortage.........
The Seer’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21st Dec 2011)
1.   2012 OLYMPICS. Although the opening and closing shows will be fabulous. The rest of the Olympics will be a mess. Due to bad organizing, mainly due to bad leadership. It will prove to be a financial disaster. Not to mention the trouble that will surround the games itself.

Told Ya More Olympic mess........
The Seer’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)
1.   2012 OLYMPICS. Although the opening and closing shows will be fabulous. The rest of the Olympics will be a mess. Due to bad organizing, mainly due to bad leadership. It will prove to be a financial disaster. Not to mention the trouble that will surround the games itself.

Told YA Romney does it agian ,throws gas on the fire...

Friday, January 13, 2012

First nail in the coffin.........

President wannabe Mitt Romney.
Either believes he's God or is acting on 
God's behalf..........
He told a woman to give up her child or give up God???
Wait till the abortion business turns up.
Really can't make this stuff up.
But this is the beginning of the end for him.
The Whitehouse must be falling about in hysterics.
I am...........

Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

TOLD YA $70k Keys to the Olympics Lost
The Seer’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)
1.   2012 OLYMPICS. Although the opening and closing shows will be fabulous. The rest of the Olympics will be a mess. Due to bad organizing, mainly due to bad leadership. It will prove to be a financial disaster. Not to mention the trouble that will surround the games itself.

Well for now...........

Ex Mrs Charlie Sheen Brooke Mueller.
Is dating country singer Jaron Lowenstein.
I feel really sorry for him as she's clearly nuts.....
Mind you it's not like it's going to last.
She needs to get help, by the end of the year.
Or he won't have to buy her 
a Xmas present.

Told YA.No see Olympic flame.......
The Seer’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)
1.   2012 OLYMPICS. Although the opening and closing shows will be fabulous. The rest of the Olympics will be a mess. Due to bad organizing, mainly due to bad leadership. It will prove to be a financial disaster. Not to mention the trouble that will surround the games itself.

Told Ya Moron, now Mitt's a capital maker......

Friday, January 13, 2012

First nail in the coffin.........

President wannabe Mitt Romney.
Either believes he's God or is acting on 
God's behalf..........
He told a woman to give up her child or give up God???
Wait till the abortion business turns up.
Really can't make this stuff up.
But this is the beginning of the end for him.
The Whitehouse must be falling about in hysterics.
I am...........

Told Ya..Empty Olympic seat mess. Troops to fill seats..
The Seer’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)
1.   2012 OLYMPICS. Although the opening and closing shows will be fabulous. The rest of the Olympics will be a mess. Due to bad organizing, mainly due to bad leadership. It will prove to be a financial disaster. Not to mention the trouble that will surround the games itself.

Told YA 3 big rattlers in the last 24 hrs......

Predictions for 2012
(Completed 21st Dec 2011)

6.   EARTHQUAKES. 2011 has seen more than usual earthquakes. 2012 will be even worse, with one really big hit. West coast needs to watch out.

Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

Told YA Katie call the FBI on these bastards......

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Time to call the Cops Katie.....

Katie Holmes has every right to be upset.
She's right in believing that her soon to be 
ex husband Tom Cruise.
Along with his crazy cult morons.
Have a watch team of the faithful slaves,
 watching her and Suri's every move.

These people will stop at nothing, 
to try to derail Katie.
Stay strong Katie.
You'll win in the end.

Katy RUN............

Looks it like 
Katy Perry and John Mayer 
are dating.
Not for long thats for sure.
Katy RUN now.....

Told Ya Octomom single again........

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Alien Romance..

Nadya Suleman aka Octomom 36 
seems to have a boyfriend.
An amateur Vulcan body builder called 
Frankie G aged 23.
Not that you don't know it won't last.
But I can't see her moving to 
West Hollywood 
with him either.

Told Ya Many Olympic seats empty on day one....
The Seer’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)
1.   2012 OLYMPICS. Although the opening and closing shows will be fabulous. The rest of the Olympics will be a mess. Due to bad organizing, mainly due to bad leadership. It will prove to be a financial disaster. Not to mention the trouble that will surround the games itself.


The Seer’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)
1.   2012 OLYMPICS. Although the opening and closing shows will be fabulous. The rest of the Olympics will be a mess. Due to bad organizing, mainly due to bad leadership. It will prove to be a financial disaster. Not to mention the trouble that will surround the games itself.

Told Ya 5.0 Earthquake GREENLAND......

Predictions for 2012
(Completed 21st Dec 2011)

6.   EARTHQUAKES. 2011 has seen more than usual earthquakes. 2012 will be even worse, with one really big hit. West coast needs to watch out.

Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

Told Ya LaToya the sane one.....

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

LaToya, crazy ?,... not as much as you may think.....

LaToya Jackson 
has a new book out.
" My Husband made me the most hated person in the World"
Long winded title I know.
But it is going to sell......
In it she keeps to her claim that her 
brother Michael was murdered.
Crazy ?.........
No, I think she's very near to the truth.
 In fact in 2012 she'll be the sane one out of the whole bunch.

Told Ya Brit's rip Mitt..........

Monday, May 14, 2012

One of many nails in his coffin..

Presidential hopeful and moron.
Mitt Romney.
Has declared that he doesn't believe everyone should be treated equally.
I wonder who's next?
 His VP choice a boring white man, 
but younger than the rest.
Good job he's not going to win. 
Just wait till the British press start on him.

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

Told Ya Hubbards own Granson tells it like it is....
The Futurist’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)
65. TOM CRUISE. Is in for a rough year on all fronts. Family matters and romantic life is in for a big shake up this year. As well his career taking quite a few hits. One of which will be related to his belief in Scientology. Which itself will be dealt some blows this year.

Too little, way too late, my Dear......

So Kristen Stewart has apologised to her 
" Boyfriend " for cheating.
Er...........well too late.
Mind you it never really was a REAL relationship to start with.
But cheating is cheating no matter how you dress it up.
But the real damage is going to be in her career..........

Told Ya Robert in 2010.......

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Moany, Moany………..

Robert Pattinson needs to stop moaning.
For someone who can’t act,
He has a great acting gig……..
Pots of money…….
A " Girlfriend " well till she cheats 
on him in 2012.
Twinky Take the money…….
Buy an Island.
Import some friends.

Told Ya NZ earthquake 5.2 shaker....
Predictions for 2012
(Completed 21st Dec 2011)

6.   EARTHQUAKES. 2011 has seen more than usual earthquakes. 2012 will be even worse, with one really big hit. West coast needs to watch out.

Told Ya More Olympic BULLSHIT......
The Seer’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)
1.   2012 OLYMPICS. Although the opening and closing shows will be fabulous. The rest of the Olympics will be a mess. Due to bad organizing, mainly due to bad leadership. It will prove to be a financial disaster. Not to mention the trouble that will surround the games itself.

Told Ya.Another Lindsay Lohan car crash.....

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Yeah right.........

So Lindsay Lohan is finished 
with her probation.
Well, just wait six months.
She should stay from behind the wheel too.
Or she'll have a nasty smash......
Too much red aura around her.

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Told Ya Olympic trouble.......
The Seer’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)
1.   2012 OLYMPICS. Although the opening and closing shows will be fabulous. The rest of the Olympics will be a mess. Due to bad organizing, mainly due to bad leadership. It will prove to be a financial disaster. Not to mention the trouble that will surround the games itself.

Rip off.......

Supermodel and bad tempered bitch.
Naomi Campbell, is to have her own show on Oxygen called The Face.
Which is simply a rip off of America's Top Model.
A certain flop.
But the producers better make sure that everything on the set is screwed down.
Or props will be flying everywhere........

New arrival.......

This is my new Godson Atticus Sage Perez.
 He arrived yesterday at 4.34am in Los Angeles.
As you can see he came out saying his prayers.
Well you would too if you had me as your 
God Father ha ha.....

Told YA.Soloman earthquake........
Predictions for 2012
(Completed 21st Dec 2011)

6.   EARTHQUAKES. 2011 has seen more than usual earthquakes. 2012 will be even worse, with one really big hit. West coast needs to watch out.

Told YA, Olympic no view seats..........
The Seer’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)
1.   2012 OLYMPICS. Although the opening and closing shows will be fabulous. The rest of the Olympics will be a mess. Due to bad organizing, mainly due to bad leadership. It will prove to be a financial disaster. Not to mention the trouble that will surround the games itself.

Told Ya.Kristen's real love.........

The Futurist’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)

64. KRISTEN STEWART. A good year on the whole for Kristian, especially on the romantic front, when she reveals who will really be in her life.

Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

Told Ya 6.6 Earthquake......
Predictions for 2012
(Completed 21st Dec 2011)

6.   EARTHQUAKES. 2011 has seen more than usual earthquakes. 2012 will be even worse, with one really big hit. West coast needs to watch out.

More Olympic told Ya's........

The Seer’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)
1.   2012 OLYMPICS. Although the opening and closing shows will be fabulous. The rest of the Olympics will be a mess. Due to bad organizing, mainly due to bad leadership. It will prove to be a financial disaster. Not to mention the trouble that will surround the games itself.

Told Ya No surprise here, more Olympic mess....
The Seer’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)
1.   2012 OLYMPICS. Although the opening and closing shows will be fabulous. The rest of the Olympics will be a mess. Due to bad organizing, mainly due to bad leadership. It will prove to be a financial disaster. Not to mention the trouble that will surround the games itself.

Told Ya Much more to come......

Monday, June 14, 2010

A turning in a grave........

If the Jackson clan could get any weirder.
Well it's about to.
Joe Jackson is now blaming,
his wife Katherine Jackson.
For Michael's death.
I think he protesth too much,
to be honest.
The rest of the family need 
to take special care of 
Katherine Jackson in the 
summer and beyond of 2012.

Told Ya NOTW charged more to come...

Friday, December 23, 2011

That old sinking feeling..........

Piers "Lardyface" Morgan.
Seems to be getting into ever deeper water.
He's had to testify in the phone hacking scandal 
in the UK.
Well he may think he's in the clear.
But it is going to get even deeper the water Piers.
Better start taking swimming lesson.
Mind you, you are bloated enough both 
in body and ego.
So maybe you will just float through it.
But 2012 for The Sun/NOTW newspaper will 
be really troubling as police arrest 
more and more 
journalists and "Pals"

Senin, 23 Juli 2012

This won't end well.......

Mrs Kris Jenner mother of the Kardashian tarts.
Here spotted snuggling up to her ex boyfriend Todd Waterman.
Who was the cause of her first marriage split.
Seems like he's working on splitting the 
present one too.
Well, Kris you deserve all the bad Karma that you have built up.
It's dead ahead...........

Told Ya.Syria's despot getting worse......

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Time to go..........

The time has come for the 
Despot President Bashar Assad of Syria.
To either go or be removed by any means.
If not, what he is about to do will make the last few months look like a children's tea party.

Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

Told Ya 5 .0 Earthquake Turkey

(Completed 21st Dec 2011)

6.   EARTHQUAKES. 2011 has seen more than usual earthquakes. 2012 will be even worse, with one really big hit. West coast needs to watch out.

HA Ha Ha .....

The British tabloids are all a buzz about Prince Harry and his latest bit of fluff model Cressia Bonas.
They seem to think that she's the one.
Ha ha ha ha.......

Told Ya Katherine Jackson troubles.......

Monday, June 14, 2010

A turning in a grave........

If the Jackson clan could get any weirder.
Well it's about to.
Joe Jackson is now blaming,
his wife Katherine Jackson.
For Michael's death.
I think he protesth too much,
to be honest.
The rest of the family need 
to take special care of 
Katherine Jackson in the 
summer and beyond of 2012.

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Told Ya So sad.........

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tameka......more money

Usher's ex wife Tameka Foster.
Has filed papers asking the Court to make her 
ex hubby take a drug test.
She claims that Usher has been popping pills around their children.
Complete bullshit.
She is just trying to get more money out of him, 
as well as get back the attention she used to get when married to the star.
Usher tell her to piss off.
Mind you it is going to get nasty.
Bad news in family summer 2012.

Told Ya Two California Shakers.........

Predictions for 2012
(Completed 21st Dec 2011)

6.   EARTHQUAKES. 2011 has seen more than usual earthquakes. 2012 will be even worse, with one really big hit. West coast needs to watch out.

Told Ya Olympic sercurity LIES..........

The Seer’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)
1.   2012 OLYMPICS. Although the opening and closing shows will be fabulous. The rest of the Olympics will be a mess. Due to bad organizing, mainly due to bad leadership. It will prove to be a financial disaster. Not to mention the trouble that will surround the games itself.

Hopefully she will listen........

Actress Tara Reid is in a French hospital suffering from acute pancreatitis.
Maybe this will be the wake up call.
Before her out of control drinking kills her.

Told Ya Even more Olympic security chaos...
The Seer’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21 st Dec 2011)
1.   2012 OLYMPICS. Although the opening and closing shows will be fabulous. The rest of the Olympics will be a mess. Due to bad organizing, mainly due to bad leadership. It will prove to be a financial disaster. Not to mention the trouble that will surround the games itself.