
Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Told Ya She's at it again.........

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Close encounters of a Gay kind........

Michele Bachmann
the wannabe 
Republican nominee 
to be the next 
President of the USA.
Claims that once 
she was nearly kidnapped 
by an Ex Nun & A Lesbian.
Is it just me or do these people 
who think that they 
should run the most 
powerful country 
on Earth.
Are getting crazier........
What next.
Aliens attempt to pay Newt Gingrich's jewellery bill?
Or maybe the Aliens can become his staff, 
who all left him the other day..........
When he returned from his Greek cruise.
Mind you I don't think even the Aliens 
could rescue Newt from his mouth.
He won't win ............ 
Wait till summer 2012 and the crap that comes out of her gob.

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