
Senin, 20 Agustus 2012

Do not use these people

Dear All Within 30 mins of posting this yesterday I got an email from Mercury wanting to sort out the problem .Well then at 8am this morning I got a call from some at different at Mercury and guess what they are sending a check, the voice of the 99% can sometimes work.......

Thank you all for your emails and comments.

A tale of caution to one and all.
A couple of weeks ago I was traveling with a friend in her car in Los Angeles.
When the car was hit by a 84 year old man in his Pruis.
We were at a red light waiting to go ahead in the near side lane.
He was two lanes over and decided to turn right.
How he missed the other cars is amazing.
He hit the car so hard it spun us round over three lanes and into the turn lane for the on coming traffic.
Thankfully we weren't killed or badly hurt.
So the cops came.
He admitted fault.
But didn't ticket the guy as no was was hurt.
Then comes the the insurance part.
At first MERCURY said all was OK.
Then the next call was to inform my friend. 
That they weren't sure the 84 year old was covered as it was a new car to him, but not listed on his policy. 
( see they start to wriggle)
Next call was to say he was covered.
Well it turns out that they paid my friend for the car and her 
neckache etc.
They asked me the day after the accident what injuries I had, well apart from shock.
Just a headache I said.
At which point the agent told me that they could pay me $250 right away.
A little shocked. I said the I wouldn't accept anything till they had sorted it all out with my friend, and when she was happy I would talk to them.
Well guess what I have just got off the phone with them.
The agent asked again what my injuries were, I replied I had that headache for six days.
So the agent asked what did I think was reasonable. 
Now remember they did offer $250 right away the day after.
So I said well let's say $1.000.
The agent then said that's too much, I can offer you $50.
So I replied you ask me what I think is reasonable, 
then you insult me with $50 for a six day headache.
From an accident that I had nothing at all to do with.
At that point I said I am hanging up now.
The insurance business is a license to print money.
You can't drive without it.
They make you pay through the nose.
Then when they have to pay up....
You just aren't worth it.
Mercury I hope you enjoy this PR.........

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