
Jumat, 30 November 2012

Told Ya Britney's on top.........

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Looking Fabulous..........

Have you seen the latest pics of,
Britney Spears?
She looks fabulous........
I sense a new hit from her very soon.
Nice to see her back on the right track.
Well done, Brit.
2012 is her year.......... 
Especially on TV.

Told Ya 1st part of NASA anouncement more to come

Monday, August 6, 2012

Space the Autumn.

Here's a prediction for you.
In the fall/autumn the spacefolks, 
 will find something. 
Then tell us at Xmas.
Information that is not only amazing 
and history making.
Connected to Mars Rover "The Curiosity"
It will be a true once in a lifetime event.
Which will really upset the right wing religious nut jobs.

Due to babysitting duties .......

Dear all,

Due to looking after my God Son 
Atticus aka Button.
No Psychic Gossip today.....

Normal service will resume tomorrow .


Kamis, 29 November 2012

Not just off the wagon, under it.......

As we approach Christmas & the New Year.
" Ratbag, Bitch, old cow" 
Duchess of Cornwall.
Will be drinking more and more....
(hopefully antifreeze).
Well we are about to get some really nice news from the Palace.
Which will push her over the edge.

Told Ya Arrested AGAIN..........

Monday, April 9, 2012

Clinky by Xmas.......

Here we go again.
Just as you thought that Lindsay Lohan, 

may have gotten her life back on track.

She goes clubbing.

(Which she told the judge, that she no longer did).

Then ends up in a scrap in at 

a  Hollywood nightclub.

This girl just won't learn.......

Rabu, 28 November 2012

To wear or not to wear......

Here's a few of the items from 
Yoko Ono's 
mens wear collection.
Appartently inspired by her 
Late husband John Lennon.
Looks to me like her sing sounds.
Major flop.........

Told Ya Bobbi splits from fiance/brother crashes car again

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Not against the law, but........

Well. well Whitney Houston's daughter 
Bobbi Kristina.
Is apparently dating her "adopted" brother 
Nick Gordon.
How Whitney raised as her own since he
was a youngster.
True it's tasteless.
But not illegal.
But it won't end well.

Selasa, 27 November 2012

For God's sake people......

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart.
Ha Ha Ha Ha..
Which one ?

Clearly BRAINWASHED.......

Actor Angus T Jones 
who plays the son/nephew in 
Two and a Half Men.
Who has appeared on a video with the 
nut job leader of the cult.
Forerunner Church.
Who believes that Pres Obama is Hitler.!!!!!!!
Claiming that 
Two and a half Men 
is vile etc etc.
Needs help.
Someone needs to step in.
Where's the parents.
These Cult nutjobs are just after his money.
How about the producers of the show 
get him some help.
Or this will end in the Mortuary.

Senin, 26 November 2012

Warning signs........

 Demi Lovato 
pictured above how pretty.
So she just added her 13th tattoo.
Now not that I am against tattoos.
But for someone this you to already 
have this much ink.
When they live in the public eye, 
as well as making their living from 
TV & movies.
This is a sign to be taken note of.
By someone around her that she will listen to.
Otherwise we are going to have another 
Lindsay Lohan.
(one is enough)

Told Ya.he's a Birk........

Friday, May 21, 2010

"BIRK" head's........yard sale......

Larry "Birk"head,
father of the late Anna Nicole Smith's,
daughter Dannilyn.
Is selling off Anna's stuff.
What a prick.
He should save it for Dannilyn.
Then when she's eighteen,
she could decide.
But just wait till he puts Dannilyn to work.
It's all about the MONEY.

Told Ya Rylan bye bye.......

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Won't win, but.........

This is Rylan Clark he's a finalist on the UK version of X Factor.
He shouldn't win...
Well he can't sing..
( but you just can't trust the producers )
But he will make a fortune.
From TV.

Told Ya Booed at home.....

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Justin tween

"Tween" pop star Justin Bieber.
Is being exploited left right and centre.
Someone with his real interests,
i.e. a PARENT !
Needs to step in and take charge.
Before the nasty stuff starts to turn up.
In the fall of 2011........
As well as heart break in 2012.
Along with bad behaviour that even Canadians find offensive.

Minggu, 25 November 2012

Told Ya The WORST chemistry between two lead actors..EVER

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ye Gods.........

Lindsay Lohan,
who is soon to be seen in the TV biopic 
"Liz & Dick".
In which she plays Elizabeth Taylor.
It'll prove to be the worse movie ever.
Now believes that she is just like Liz.
If that doesn't prove she's crazy nothing will.

Jennifer Garner BEWARE.......

Mrs Affleck 
better beware.
Home wrecker 
Kristen Stewart 
is soon to work with 
Ben Affleck 
in a movie called 
Mrs Affleck 
better tighten the leash ha ha.
ps all this gossip of 
KS & RP 
being batter together.....BS. 
In regard to Mr Affleck.
He'll be delighted with all the awards in 2013.

Told YA Fart face the family says so too.....

Friday, April 2, 2010

Trump’d himself………

One day very soon,
Donald Trump,
Will get the comeuppance….
That the Karma Gods have
been saving for him.
It’ll be a big one…..
Clue when his family turn against him.

Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Breakdown ahead

Here's the latest self published pic 
of my favourite lesbian.
Justin Bieber.
Seems he likes to look at himself in the mirror 
at the gym.
If he thinks this will make the ladies swoon, duh.......
More like the pic will be doing the rounds on the "Gay" sites.
Oh well, closet door or breakdown.
My bets on the breakdown first........

Jumat, 23 November 2012

It's a "Woman's World"

From this Monday on a radio close by.
You will be hearing 
latest single 
"Woman's World".
A thumping dance track.
It'll be  a hit.
Turn up the volume.

Kamis, 22 November 2012

The end is nigh.....

Another "Told Ya" coming soon.
Eddie & LeAnne on the rocks this Thanksgiving.
But we've known it for months.ha ha

Told Ya Troiuble with Thanksgiving...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Olivier v Martinez

Dear Halle Berry.......
You need to get rid of that gold digger/Olivier Martinez 
that you are dating.
He is going to break your heart.
Even after you get engaged, or God forbid marry him.
As soon as he finds a richer victim.
Ever wonder why the paparazzi know where you are having 
a meal together?
He calls them........
ps wait till the trouble at Thanksgiving 

Rabu, 21 November 2012

Told Ya Gary get his OBE

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tea with Lillibet for Gary.........

Seems "Take That" boy band member 
Gary Barlow.
Has been rubbing elbows, with the Queen.
The real one.
(Not those that manage boy bands).
She wants him to be her party planner.
For two big events.
Her 82nd birthday in 2011.
The other her Diamond Jubilee in 2012.
Hope her QE2's hubby makes it that far.
Hubby's health needs to be watched at Xmas.
I smell a knighthood.
For Gary. 
Or at least an OBE for starters....

Don't hold your breath......

Sadly anyone thinks that this will last.
Needs to check what Planet they are living on.

Breaking Dawn - Part 2

We appreciate Elle Fanning's willingness to take a fashion risk on the black carpet at Monday night's premiere of "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2." We don't, however, understand her stylist's willingness to put her client in this lumpy Prada mess of a dress and bow-adorned platform flip-flops. (11/12/2012)

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez broke up

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez broke up because she "strayed," reveals Star. The mag notes that Bieber even alluded to her cheating at a recent concert by performing Justin Timberlake's song, "Cry Me a River," which was written "about Britney Spears after she allegedly cheated on him." For whom Gomez cheated with, and how Bieber found out, go to Gossip Cop.

Days before Jessica Biel became Mrs. Justin Timberlake

Days before Jessica Biel became Mrs. Justin Timberlake, happenstance put her in the awkward position of being “sandwiched” between two completely naked men. And, no, it wasn’t a crazy bachelorette party. The actress was supposed to be having a relaxing getaway at a spa.

During an appearance on Monday’s “Late Show With David Letterman,” the “Hitchcock” star said that leading up to her October 19 wedding in southern Italy, she and a friend went to a spa in the Swiss Alps to beautify before the big day. While there, the 30-year-old headed into the sauna – while her friend went to get them water – and that’s where things got a little sticky.

[Related: Jessica Biel Dons Frumpy Getup at Premiere]

"[I’m] in the spa, in the sauna, and in walked two husky Austrian men,” Biel recounted. “I thought, this is a little unusual, but we are in Europe. I didn't really know what the protocol was. So I just laid there. Froze. ... Then they drop their towels and they are butt naked! Completely naked.”

Biel, who was wearing a bikini, went on to say, “They were naked and I'm in the middle of them! … I was so stunned. I was having this internal conniption. I just laid there sandwiched in between [them]. It was intense. I’m still recovering from it.”

When her friend returned, the girls made a quick exit. “We found out later it was actually very normal,” she added. “Some places in Europe, the spas are co-ed and nudity is cool.”

Soon after her awkward naked encounter, Biel headed to Puglia, Italy, where she married her longtime beau in a splashy affair at the Borgo Egnazia resort. The actress said she became so obsessed with keeping her wedding a secret from the press that she came up with a “crazy CIA operative kind of scheme.”

[Related: Jessica Biel’s Sentimental Wedding Day Accessories]

Earlier this week, Biel – who told Letterman married life is wonderful and that she enjoys being married to her “BFF” – talked about a possible work collaboration with her new husband. "I would if it was the right thing,” she noted in Vanity Fair. "Definitely. I don't know what that is, though. I'm not sure what the right thing is. I think you have to be very careful about working with your partner. But that would be so much fun; I absolutely adore him."

She would even work for him. "I actually would prefer him to direct me in something," she revealed to the magazine. "I think that would be the way to go.”

If that happens, they should probably stay away from any awkward nude scenes! It sounds like she’s had more than her fair share for a while.

Selasa, 20 November 2012

Put them away Dear.......

Madonna's latest ad campaign for her scent
 Truth or Dare.
Shows her............
Well, it'll be a flop.
So watch out for it in a 99c store 
near you in the New Year.

Told YA More charges for NOTW & gang

Friday, December 23, 2011

That old sinking feeling..........

Piers "Lardyface" Morgan.
Seems to be getting into ever deeper water.
He's had to testify in the phone hacking scandal 
in the UK.
Well he may think he's in the clear.
But it is going to get even deeper the water Piers.
Better start taking swimming lesson.
Mind you, you are bloated enough both 
in body and ego.
So maybe you will just float through it.
But 2012 for The Sun/NOTW newspaper will 
be really troubling as police arrest 
more and more 
journalists and "Pals"

Senin, 19 November 2012

Told Ya Goldenball's departs LA Galaxy.....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

She's in the money........

Harper Seven Beckham,
the new arrival in the,
Beckham household.
Is already in the money.......
Sales of 
To Kill A Mocking Bird 
by Harper Lee, 
after whom she is named, 
are up 120% on Amazon. 
Shame they didn't call her 
" Mummy can sing ".
Good job Daddy will re sign to play in LA in 2012,

 then leave at Thanksgiving.

Down under for Leo ?

This is 
Margot Robbie 
Aussie actress.
Who some claim is 
Leo DiCaprio's 
latest girlfriend.
Me I don't buy it.
But if she is.....
Not for long.

Told Ya Lindsay Lohan closer to clinky...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Not good....

I have a funny feeling that 
Lindsay Lohan 
is about to fall an almighty fall.
This time she won't get away with it either.

Told Ya Daniel Craig + 007 = $60+m

Saturday, October 13, 2012

007 Money Bags......

007 James Bond aka Daniel Craig.
Soon to be seen in the latest Bond Epic 
Will earn his bosses more money than ever for a Bond Movie.
Which will be good when his agent goes to negotiate his next cheque.

Minggu, 18 November 2012

Any bets...........

So Taylor Swift is dating Harry Styles...
Selena Gomez,
dumped my favourite lesbian Justin Bieber.
So, I think that Taylor Swift will go after him next.
Should be good for a #1 hit for both of them then.

Told Ya Biggest Bond earner ever........

Saturday, October 13, 2012

007 Money Bags......

007 James Bond aka Daniel Craig.
Soon to be seen in the latest Bond Epic 
Will earn his bosses more money than ever for a Bond Movie.
Which will be good when his agent goes to negotiate his next cheque.

Told YA The "CULT" is at it again.....

The Futurist’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21st Dec 2011)

65. TOM CRUISE. Is in for a rough year on all fronts. Family matters and romantic life is in for a big shake up this year. As well his career taking quite a few hits. One of which will be related to his belief in Scientology. Which itself will be dealt some blows this year.

Sabtu, 17 November 2012

Country & Pop .......

The gossip sites are a buzz that ,
Taylor Swift is dating Harry Styles.
Ha ha ha...
Well this time she'll  be the one dumped 
if they are dating.
She's just after a visa to Britain.

Told Ya Lindsay Liz

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ye Gods.........

Lindsay Lohan,
who is soon to be seen in the TV biopic 
"Liz & Dick".
In which she plays Elizabeth Taylor.
It'll prove to be the worse movie ever.
Now believes that she is just like Liz.
If that doesn't prove she's crazy nothing will.

Jumat, 16 November 2012

You asked........

I have been asked by many of you what I think, about the current Israel/Palestine troubles.
Well the pic above should be a clue.
If you think it's bad now.
Just wait till you see what the idiots in Israel, Palestine & Iran get up to at Christmas and in the New Year.
Sad they can't all grow up.

Kamis, 15 November 2012

Miley Cyrus talks music and movie

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Miley Cyrus is working hard to finish her new album so she can take some time off to enjoy being engaged.

The 19-year-old entertainer plans to marry "Hunger Games" star Liam Hemsworth. They announced their engagement in June but haven't revealed their wedding date.

"I am married in my heart and my mind. I do everything that I would be if I had the paper, but I want to take the time to actually enjoy it," Cyrus said.

"My most important thing right now is ... I want people to hear what I want to say and get my record out, so when there is a time that I can take some time off, I'll feel like I accomplished my stuff," she said. "Then I can take a break and just enjoy being married for a little while."

So until then, Cyrus is busy working, promoting her film "So Undercover," due in February, and wrapping up her album, though no title or release date have been announced.

Cyrus says she doesn't stray too far from her country roots on the new record, but the songs are more hip-hop inspired.

"A lot of the beats are produced hip-hop beats," she said, "but the vocal is very raw and my voice is kind of on top of all the tracks, which is what I wanted."

Cyrus said she is working with producer Pharrell Williams and "a lot of hip-hop producers that are actually from the South, because I wanted more of that dirty-South vibe, a little ATL in there."

While she loves performing on camera, music matters most to Cyrus.

"I want people to remember me for things that are great," she said "Much bigger than the comedies that I do, but more about the music that I write and the songs that you leave for the world to think about."

AP Entertainment Writer Mike Cidoni Lennox contributed to this report.

Miley Cyrus Wedding planning

Wedding planning isn't exactly at the top of Miley Cyrus' to-do list right now.

The engaged pop star, 19, opened up to the Associated Press Friday, Nov. 9, about wanting to take her time with her engagement to Liam Hemsworth.

"I am married in my heart and my mind," Cyrus explained. "I do everything that I would be if I had the paper, but I want to take the time to actually enjoy it."

PHOTOS: Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth's love story

Instead of focusing on a dress, or a venue, or her guest list, Cyrus says her priority is making sure "people . . . hear what I want to say" -- via her upcoming album.

"I want to . . . get my record out, so when there is a time that I can take some time off, I'll feel like I accomplished my stuff," the LOL actress shared. "Then I can take a break and just enjoy being married for a little while."

PHOTOS: Miley Cyrus' wildest moments

She has yet to set a release date for her new record (or give it a name), but Cyrus does know she wants to take this one in a slightly different direction from her prior pop-country projects.

"A lot of the beats are produced hip-hop beats," the "Can't Be Tamed" singer revealed. "But the vocal is very raw and my voice is kind of on top of all the tracks, which is what I wanted."

PHOTOS: Other child stars who grew up fast

With some help from Pharrell Williams and a lot of Southern "hip-hop producers," Cyrus said she plans to give her new album "more of that dirty-South vibe, a little ATL in there."

This article originally appeared on Miley Cyrus: I Am Already "Married in My Heart and My Mind"

Divorce papers for New Years....

Mega pimp/momanager 
Kris Kardashian Jenner.
May well spend Xmas/New Years 
with her current husband.
But she won't be spending Easter with him.
About time he dumped the bitch.
Even though she's the one suing him 
for divorce soon.
Can't wait for the fight over that money stack......

Berita Baru Syahrini Menikah

Tak hanya itu, pelantun ‘Sesuatu‘ tersebut juga mengutarakan rasa bahagia dan rencananya mengundang para sahabat ke pernikahannya, seolah-olah ia benar-benar akan menikah bulan depan. Namun baru-baru ini Syahrini malah membantah kabar yang mengatakan bahwa ia akan melepas masa lajang pada tanggal 5 Mei.
Foto syahrini sesuatu banget

    “Aku ingin meluruskan, kemarin aku ditanya, apakah benar ada pernikahan di bulan Desember, itu tidak benar. Yang benar akan ada pernikahan bulan depan dan yang menikah bukan saya tapi adik saya Aisyahrani dengan calon suaminya Jefry. Itu terjadi Insya Allah tanggal 5 Mei,” kata Syahrini.

Syahrini lalu menjelaskan bahwa telah terjadi kesalahpahaman. Dia berkilah bahwa dirinya tak pernah mengatakan kalau dirinya akan menikah, ia juga membantah telah memesan gaun untuk keperluan pernikahan kepada perancang Anne Avantie.

    “Aku sempat membaca di media, bahwa yang menikah adalah aku. Saya enggak mengatakan akan menikah bulan Mei tanggal 5,” ujarnya. “Aku enggak pernah bilang akan pesan baju untuk nikah, aku pesan ke bunda Anne Avantie, empat baju, tapi untuk pentas.”

Jika memang benar bahwa tanggal 5 Mei adalah pernikahan adiknya, kapan Syahrini akan menyusul ke pelaminan?

    “Insya Allah setelah Rani, tahun depan aku yang menikah. Tapi wallahualam kalau akhir tahun ini menikah, wallahualam ya. Nanti pasti dikenalin pas pernikahan Rani,” katanya.

Told Ya Iran........Isreal any excuse will do.....

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Better take notice, World.......

Not that I haven't mentioned Iran before.
But we better take notice of the sabre rattling 
that is taking place from them at the moment.
This time that idiot in the cheap suit really 
means business.
But don't let that take your eyes off what 
Israel has planned this year either.

Told Ya more BBC Sex arrests......

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Me & Her again.........

Fair Warning.....
This Sunday Feb 28th..
I will be on the
" Jeni Barnett Show "
BBC Radio London
94.9 FM
9am to noon UK time.
Check website for details.......
ps big trouble for Auntie fall of 2012.

Rabu, 14 November 2012

I agree it takes two to tango.......

While it takes two to tango as the saying goes........
I believe that 
Paula Broadwell
married biographer ex mistress of,
ex CIA boss David Petraeus.
Purposely went after him.
Not that, that excuses him.
But she is really going to regret it.
There will be no tell all book for her.
No Oprah couch confession.
She may see this Xmas, 
but I doubt she'll see the one after.