
Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

Told Ya Lance to come clean...almost.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

What a great example........

As if it isn't hard enough for parents,
to keep their kids on the right path.
Charlie "MORON" Sheen, 
who is currently working on his hit FX show 
" Anger Management ".
Is spending over $2.000 a day on illegal drugs.
Seems the powers that be aren't worried about this, Why?.
Well they say it isn't affecting his work.
I beg to differ.
Time to give him the boot, and get him help.
Because, if you don't he's headed for the morgue.
Then watch the lawsuits appear.
Speaking of illegal drugs, 
wait till Lance " I'm Innocent" Armstrong.
Admits to what he did in 2013.

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